Author: Priya Nath

Boost Your Happiness Quotient With Exercise
March 20th is the UN International Day of Happiness. It recognises the relevance of happiness and well-being as fundamental human goals. It is important that you find your own happiness and then spread it further. One quickest way to be happy is exercising. Don’t worry, no one is asking you to hit the gym and […]

World Music Day – Music is Life!
What is World Music Day? Today is World Music Day. If you are wondering that is this a new fad that people are following these days, then you are wrong. Celebration of World Music Day, also known as Fete de la Musique (French for Music Festival) began in 1982 in France. This day is celebrated to bring […]

Why we stereotype?
According to Psychology, stereotype is a generalised belief about a particular group of people. It is a technique used by our brain to reduce the amount of thinking that is required when we meet a new person. Psychology of Stereotyping As a child, we start learning by characterising things into different schema. A child begins […]

Sleeping Doesn’t Mean that You Are Lazy!!!
Well, a lot of time people equate a person who sleeps a lot with them being lazy. We all have heard the statement from our family members – Saara din soti rehti hai. I also used to believe that I sleep a lot until I got a sleep monitor band. When I started wearing it, […]

Why do men get the Bill???
We talk so much about gender equality. We want to believe that we have changed a lot and gender equality does exist in our society. But, some of my past experiences have made me realise that gender inequality is so deeply rooted in this society, that it still needs a lot of extra effort to […]